Weyburn Meadows

Region: South Central

This tranquil rural site bordering the River Wey has open wet grassland in the north and semi-improved grassland in the south. Hedgerows, treelines and woodland add to its diverse character and circular walking routes, pathways and a boardwalk enable enjoyable access all year round.

The Present and the Future

Weyburn Meadows is managed in partnership with Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership for the benefit of the local community and wildlife. BVCP looks after the site on a day-to day-basis and provides community volunteering opportunities.

Weyburn Meadows Contact

The site contact for our Weyburn Meadows space is BVCP Ranger Team Tel: 01252 331 353

This space is managed in partnership with Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership

Visitor Information

Opening Hours

Open access

Car Parking

A free car park (not Land Trust) is located at the end of Water Meadow Close, Elstead. The nearest postcode is GU8 6LB.


(click here to find the nearest public toilets)


The Pavilion Cafe, Tanshire Park is open weekdays from 12-3pm and is nearby.

Entrance cost

The site is free to use.


The land is generally level throughout, although uneven in places. Access over the wet meadow is via a raised boardwalk.




Well controlled dogs are welcome.

Things to do

Walking, bird watching and wildlife spotting.

Conservation, Wildlife, Flora, Fauna

Wetland marsh comprising fen, reed and marshy grassland with reed beds, ditches, streams and pools, bounded to the north by the River Wey. Semi-improved grassland. Groups of scrub willow, alder woodland, mixed wet woodland, oak woodland and developing bramble and hawthorn scrub.

Other nearby attractions

Eashing Fields, Thursley National Nature Reserve, Watts Gallery - Artists' Village, Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)

Other Links

View the link


Shackleford Road, Elstead, Surrey, GU8 6LB

Site size: 7 hectares


There are currently no events relating to this space.

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This Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) was established in 2020. The purpose of this and other local SANGs is to avoid increased recreational pressure on the Wealden Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA) from new residential development by providing alternative recreation areas that offer a similar experience to the SPA.

The land was formerly used for clay-pigeon shooting and then for grazing horses. Following establishment of the SANG the site is being managed in accordance with a SANG management plan and maintained by conservation mowing.


The management of Weyburn Meadows will seek to enhance both the biodiversity and recreational value of the new site for visitors.

Land Trust Contact

To contact the Land Trust about this site or how we could help manage your space please click here .

To enquire about holding an event on a Land Trust site, please click here.

Our other spaces in the South Central

How you can help

We are always on the look out for enthusiastic, committed people who want to make a real and lasting difference in their local community.

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