Horsley Meadows Contact
The site contact for our Horsley Meadows space is Surrey Wildlife Countryside Team Tel: 01483 910087
This space is managed in partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust
Region: South Central
Formerly agricultural fields, enjoy a circular stroll through these restored grassland and wildflower meadows set amongst veteran oak trees and experience the physical and mental wellbeing benefits of spending time in the great outdoors and among nature.
Horsley Meadows is managed in partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) for the benefit of the local community and wildlife. SWT looks after the site on a day-to day-basis and runs community events.
For wildlife views and news sign up here to receive the nature news e-newsletter. Information about volunteering opportunities can be found here volunteering opportunities.
The site contact for our Horsley Meadows space is Surrey Wildlife Countryside Team Tel: 01483 910087
This space is managed in partnership with Surrey Wildlife Trust
Open access
(click here to find the nearest public toilets)
The Barley Mow is nearby (open daily)
The site is free to use.
The land is generally level throughout. There are no surfaced paths.
Well controlled dogs are welcome.
Walking, bird watching and wildlife spotting.
In addition to grassland habitats the site includes scattered mature oak trees, a stream and sections of of hedgerows with scrub oak, ash, dog rose, gorse, hawthorn, blackthorn, willow and English elm. Important bird sightings include skylark, red kite and green woodpecker.
Hatchlands Park (NT), Clandon Wood, Painshill, West Horsley Place, RHS Garden Wisley
Long Reach, West Horsley, Surrey, KT24 6NB
Site size: 25 hectares
This Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) was established in 2020. The purpose of this and other local SANGs is to avoid increased recreational pressure on the Thames Basin Heaths Special Protection Area (SPA) from new residential development by providing alternative recreation areas that offer a similar experience to the SPA.
The land was formerly agricultural fields that came out of arable production in 2016. Following establishment of the SANG the site is being managed in accordance with a SANG management plan, for the benefit of people and wildlife.
Management by the Land Trust will seek to enhance the biodiversity and recreational value of the new site for wildlife and visitors. As a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) we offer dog friendly and family-friendly circular routes in the countryside to reduce pressure on our precious heathland habitats known as Special Protection Areas (SPA). The Land Trust has a number of other SANGs in Surrey and Hampshire to visit.
To contact the Land Trust about this site or how we could help manage your space please email our Countryside & Greenspace Officer (South & West) Jake Taylor .
To enquire about holding an event on a Land Trust site, please click here.
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