Updated site closure details - July 2020

31st March 2020

The Land Trust is working hard to ensure the communities surrounding its 70+ sites still have access to green space for daily exercise during this time. However, it is essential for the health and safety of our visitors and colleagues that we take appropriate measures to comply with government advice during the Coronavirus outbreak.

This is currently affecting many of our sites play equipment and buildings remain closed. For an updated list of closures or alterations on sites, please see below:

Car parks across our sites are now open.

We will begin reopening play areas and play equipment in line with government guidance from 4 July 2020.

Greenwich Ecology Park – To keep both visitors and staff safe, we are limiting the number of people who can visit at any one time and introducing a booking system.

From Wednesday 29 July to Friday 11 September, you will be able to book one of 5 free sessions on each Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. A maximum of 12 people will be booked for each session so that visitors can enjoy the park safely.

Book your visit

Pleasley Pit – Cafe open for takeaways. Engine rooms closed.

Port Sunlight River Park – all buildings closed (café/visitors centre) Please note: a one way system may be in place. Please look out for signage on site.

Northumberlandia –  The cafe and toilets are now open every day: Mon-Sat 10-5, Sun 11-5.

All sites may be affected by a reduced service, meaning bins may not be emptied and grass may not be cut as frequently as usual. Please be mindful of this when using any of our sites. Where possible, please take your litter and dog mess away with you to dispose of at home.

Last updated 21/07/20

Whilst using our green spaces, please ensure you practice social distancing and keep two metres away from anyone who you do not live with.

Thank you for helping keep these green spaces accessible and usable at this time. We look forward to resuming normal service and welcoming more visitors once safe to do so.

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