The team at Green Angels have put together some advent activities, which are suitable for adults and children alike. Please ensure that you check your local rules if you are not sure.
Advent Calendar 2021
More information about how to complete some of the activities is included below. For photos, keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram or Twitter pages, as we will be posting photos of each activity every day!
Use a wreath ring, or weave some willow to make your own wreath circle. Then collect your materials and arrange them (with the help or twine or wire) to produce your wreath! You can read a full how-to-guide on the Ideal Home website.
Find out which footprints belong to which animal by familiarising with the RSPB’s Simple Guide to Animal Tracks. If you are doing this activity with children, you could also take a plaster cast of the tracks you find!
If you want to get involved in supporting citizen science, you could also download the Mammal Society’s Mammal Mapper App.
You will need:
Try to go somewhere with trees or shrubs for a walk today. Have a look on the ground around the base of the trees or shrubs and collect a couple of short sticks and some big leaves.
When you get home, tie the end of the string around the middle of your short stick or base. cut a piece of string to roughly one and a half times the length of your stick, and tie each end of your piece of string to each end of your stick. Use the skewer to poke holes in each of the leaves, and then feed the string through the holes.
Once you have added enough leaves, the loose end of you string onto a branch, and you should have a beautiful hanging leaf mobile! This will also provide a nice cosy home for small invertebrates too.
Thanks to Human-Nature Escapes CIC for this idea.
Collect some relatively long, thin sticks, and arrange them together with glue or string to create snowflake or star shapes. You could adorn these with ribbons, leaves, bows or pompoms to make them more colourful if you like. Take a look at the links below for more inspiration.
Now that all the leaves have fallen off the trees, it actually makes it easier to see the birds! If you find yourself with a bit of time in the morning or evening, make the most of it by going and sitting in your garden just as the sun rises or sets. If you don’t have a garden, look out of your window, or visiting your local green space to watch the birds. Birds are most active in the morning and evenings, so it’s a good time to watch them:
Not sure about a bird? Use the RSPB Bird Identifier to help you work out what it is!
Check out the National Geographic’s instruction page on how to make a pomander by clicking on this link. It’s a great, scented Christmas decoration for adults and kids alike!
You will need:
How to make a leaf lantern:
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