23rd March 2017 : 10am - 12.30pm
TCV's Countess Green Gym is a project to promote outdoor exercise by undertaking conservation activities at the park. The TCV Green Gyms are about people's wellbeing, getting people out and about in their local environments to undertake conservation works as a means to getting both physically and mentally fitter at the same time as helping local green spaces and nature.
Works could be hedge laying, footpath creation, tree planting or tree felling, hedge planting and many more tasks around the park. If interested please ring Neil on 07740 899717 or email n.mcmahon@tcv.org.uk
Sturdy footwear should be worn and clothes you don't mind getting dirty.
We do have toilets that we have access to if required but works are all around the park so it could mean a bit of a walk if needed.
Countess Country Car Park at 10am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The park has good footpaths throughout but some of the works we undertake are unsuitable for people with mobility problems.
There is a car park for park users on Countess Crescent (off Countess Way).
For more information or if you have a query about this event please call 07740 899716 or email Neil McMahon