For service charge enquiries please follow this link and complete the form.
If you are selling your home or a solicitor requiring more information about a restriction to a property, please email the Service Charge team at with the full details and your contact number.
If your service charge enquiry is urgent, or you would like to speak to someone please call 0300 3230 170.
For general enquiries please complete the form below
7 Birchwood One
Dewhurst Road
Telephone : +44 (0)1925 852005
Email :
what3words - munched.removing.trickled
To contact the business development team below please use the above form drop down options.
Please only contact the phone numbers below with matters relating to new business. For any other queries please contact our office on 01925 852 005.
Jeremy Brookes – Head of Business Development
Telephone: 07920 283433
North and South England
Joe Heath – Head of Environment and Biodiversity
Telephone: 07766 511789
If you have any questions or queries about what we do or how to go about working with us we'd love to hear from.
Contact usWe are always on the look out for enthusiastic, committed people who want to make a real and lasting difference in their local community.
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