3rd August 2016 : 1.30 - 3pm
Fun and games for teddies and their owners
Bring your teddy bear to play games in the River Park.
Meet at Mersey View Picnic Area for an afternoon of games suitable for teddies and accompanied children under 10.
No need to book.
Free but donations welcome
Dress for the weather. Bring a picnic lunch in case teddy gets hungry.
Toilets and drinks available at the centre.
Site Office at Mersey View Picnic Area, 10 minutes walk from the Dock Road North Car Park
Paths from the Mersey View Car Park are accessible along the Mersey.
Car parking available in the car park and on Dock Road North for non-disabled visitors.
For more information or if you have a query about this event please call 07578 550060 or email Anne Litherland