Walk to Wellbeing with the Land Trust

28th April 2017

We believe that walking to improve the health of communities should be championed which is why we’re marking National Walking Month in May by encouraging people of all ages and abilities to get out and enjoy the benefits of walking on Land Trust sites.

At the Land Trust, we help create safer, happier, stronger communities by providing attractive and accessible green open space, encouraging our visitors to improve their health and wellbeing through the provision of free or heavily subsidised outdoor exercise opportunities.

We’re launching a collection of walks from sites across the country, from the twenty minute walk with the dog around Avenue Washlands in Derbyshire to the two hour ramble along the historic old railway lines of Rabbit Ings. There’s a walk for everyone, regardless of age, ability or fitness level because we believe that access to good quality, connected networks and green spaces should be inclusive.

Wander along the Colourful Coast in Whitehaven, admiring the wildflowers and birds and immerse yourself in the rich mining history of the area. Cruise around The Crusher in Monkton Community Woodland in Tyneside, admiring the striking sculptures along the way or pull on your boots, pack a hearty lunch and take yourself away to Kiverton Community Woodland in Doncaster for a few hours.  Whether it’s the wander around the local park that helps to clear your head or a hike that takes you miles from home but closer to your peace of mind, the quality and accessibility of green space is more valuable than you may think.   Psychological problems associated with physical health conditions such as loneliness, depression, and vice versa, are costing the NHS more than £11 billion a year alone.  Conversely, research conducted by the Land Trust in 2016 found that for every £1 spent per annum by the Land Trust, society benefits on average £30.30 in health care provision because people using our sites feel fitter and healthier.  That’s an overall contribution of £53.2m per annum of benefits to the health and welfare sector.

We’ll be sharing ways to Walk to Wellbeing and championing the joys of walking throughout May so come and join our campaign on Facebook and Twitter; share our walks, try them for yourself and help us to get more people putting their best foot forward and reaping the rewards of walking for health.



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