Nature Watch Wellesley - Owl Pellet Dissecting

Wellesley Woodlands

7th September 2019 : 11:00 to 15:00

Join Bernard Baverstock of the Blackwater Valley Countryside Trust, to dissect an owl pellet.

Dissecting owl pellets is one of the best ways of monitoring what the owls are eating.

Armed with a stock of pellets and some specialist tools, join Bernard to take part in some citizen science and find out what the owls have been eating.

Free – no need to book.




Free Event - no need to book

Meet in the field next to the Wellington Monument - GU11 1QB

Event Contact

For more information or if you have a query about this event please call 01252 331353 or email Blackwater Valley

Owl wood carving at Wellesley Woodlands.

Events key:

  • Dog friendly
  • Disabled access
  • Parking available
  • Taking place outdoors
  • Tickets required
  • Educational & creative
  • Events for grown-ups
  • Child friendly
  • Healthy & active
  • A Community event
  • A Volunteering event
  • Event facilities
  • Entrance fee or Event cost
  • Meeting place