25th February 2022 : 10am - 12pm OR 12:30pm - 2:30pm
Come and join Green Angels and Cheshire Wildlife Trust for a FREE FUN morning or afternoon with your family at Port Sunlight River Park!
Do you want to learn more about the world of birds? Then come and join us on Friday 25th February at Port Sunlight River Park! All ages welcome and no previous experience is required.
BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL! To book please get in touch with the Green Angels Team at greenangels@thelandtrust.org.uk.
FREE - booking is essential.
Please make sure you wear sensible, sturdy footwear such as walking boots, wellies or trainers. Please make sure you wear appropriate clothing such as waterproofs or sunhat dependent upon the weather.
Toilets are based in the Heritage Centre which is open Monday to Friday from 9am - 4pm. Additionally there is also a kiosk serving hot drinks, food and a variety of refreshments.
For more information or if you have a query about this event please call or email Green Angels Team