11th April 2018 : 10am - 3pm
First, learn to set up your bike; ride the Fryston trails and then have a go on our new archery range! Full supervision and guidance given by qualified instructors.
Join us for a fun day learning to set up your own bicycle, ride some of the great trails in the park and then have a go at shooting a bow and arrow on our archery range!!!
For children aged between 8 to 11 years old.
You must bring your own off-road type bike (in good working order), your helmet and a packed lunch; and you must be able to ride.
Booking is required and places are limited to 12 children.
There is a charge of £3 per child.
For further info or to book a place please contact The Groundwork Ranger Team on tel: 01977 514741 (answerphone).
Packed lunch, cycle helmet, off-road type bicycle, completed consent form and payment. Further details provided when booking is made.
Toilets available.
Meet at the Fryston Community Building, Wheldon Road, Fryston WF10 2RQ
The building has accessible ramp access.
Car park at the building.
For more information or if you have a query about this event please call 01977 514741 or email Jon Sharrocks - Groundwork Ranger