14th September 2016 : 10.30am
Free, guided walks along buggy- friendly paths through the scenic country park.
Meet other parents/carers and enjoy the outdoors with your child.
Each walk will take between 25 – 35 minutes.
There are some toilets in the hospital five minutes walk away.
The Countess of Chester Country Park Car Park, off Countess Way CH1 4ED
The park’s all-weather paths are wide enough to be shared by walkers, cyclists, wheelchair users and children’s buggies. The paths offer a choice of routes and distances and the opportunity to be more active, within a safe and pleasant environment. The paths also connect with other routes, which allow you to explore the local area.
Yes - Open from 7.30am - 9.00pm * Please note - park users are permitted to use the Hospital staff car park at the weekends when the Country Park car park is often full.
For more information or if you have a query about this event please call 07767 112 092 or email Sue/Alisdair