Page 14 - The Land Trust | Stakeholder Engagement
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The Land Trust Working together to change lives for the better
Customer complaints policy
We always hope that issues can be resolved locally customers understand and have a say in how the
with good dialogue and we provide our customers green space around their home is managed.
with access to a telephone helpline and email
address to help them raise concerns. While the response from a Director or Chief
Executive is the final response from the Land Trust,
However if an issue can’t be resolved we confirm since February 2021 we have been working with
receipt of complaint within two working days and The Property Ombudsman (TPO) who have been
will issue a full response within five working days. providing consumers and property agents with an
The complainant then has 14 working days to lodge alternative dispute resolution service since 1990.
an appeal and will receive a final response from a
Director or Chief Executive within 10 working days Having an independent body in place to deal
of the appeal being lodged. with a situation like this, should it arise, provides
reassurance to our customers, that we are an open
If more time is required to investigate the issue, and transparent organisation and one that wants to
we confirm this to our customer within the time work with them positively and collaboratively.
scale shown above.
TPO will review the case independently and provide
Engaging with our communities is a huge part a final ruling.
of what we do and we go to great length to help
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