Page 20 - Managing Partner Awards Shortlist
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Elements one and two were completely new work at the Avenue Country Park, requiring
               initiative and determination to promote the project, engage with new audiences, and break

               down barriers to inclusion and work around the restrictions imposed by the Covid pandemic.
               Despite all of this our staff have worked so hard and have delivered varied and popular
               events, improved site accessibility and empowered people to know and care about their local


               'Branching Out' - Bentley Community Woodland
               The six-week project offering a range of outdoor skills and activities, offered to newly arrived
               asylum seekers in the Doncaster area. This project was very popular and well received by all

               involved, and perfectly demonstrated the potential for using nature and green spaces to help
               people develop skills, socialise, and feel part of their local community and feel included.

               The Natural Neighbourhoods team also organised our first Rural Skills event on the August
               Bank Holiday. Across four days over 500 visitors came to Silverdale to experience displays

               and taster sessions in blacksmithing, chainsaw sculptures, dry stone walling, scything,
               orienteering, foraging as well as meeting their local fire service, police service and many
               other displays.

               Round House Project- Hassall Green Nature Reserve
               Prior to the start of the Green Angels programme at Hassall Green Nature Reserve in 2019

               there were no facilities on site for volunteers and visitors.  An aspiration of the five-year
               project was to provide some kind of natural shelter for site users, whether attending training

               sessions, community events or simply visiting the Reserve.

               In the winter of 2021 we commissioned The Roundhouse Company to provide a 6m

               diameter timber framed roundhouse constructed through a series of workshops engaging 9
               trainees.  The structure is open-sided, with a timber roof supported on twelve round Larch

               poles with a floor of Douglas fir.  The project battled storms, Covid 19, problems with supply
               chains and rising costs, but the result was delivered within budget and is fabulous, providing
               an invaluable resource for the site for years to come, and actually enhancing the nature
               reserve, with its warm colours and natural form.

               West Wing Restoration- Fort Burgoyne

               The Fort Burgoyne West Wing restoration has transformed a derelict decaying space which
               was suffering antisocial behaviour into a high quality mini Fort informal recreation space.
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