Page 19 - Managing Partner Awards Shortlist
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Trust rangers who are our managing partner, local contractors (Goodyear garden services
               and Quality Land Services), Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust and the local developer

               Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company have worked together to deliver an awesome
               greenspace for the benefit of both the public and wildlife in and around Whitehill & Bordon.
               Word has spread and the site now attracts 160,000 visits per quarter, tracked by on-site

               visitor counters. The 54-hectare wood and heathland site has undergone path and drainage
               improvements, new entrance signage installation and new interpretation and way marking,

               connecting visitors to the wider greenspace network of footpaths around the area.
               Conservation work to enhance the site includes heather and invertebrate surveys, invasive
               species control and woodland thinning.

               Significant play area resurfacing improvement works have taken place to improve the visitor

               experience. Additional smaller children play equipment has been installed and funding
               obtained to extend the younger child play provision on offer.

               Community involvement is significant, with local conservation volunteer groups regularly
               getting hands-on with pine pulling or path vegetation clearance. A thriving café and
               educational space offers regular weekend craft fayres which are proving popular along with

               a wide range of events organised and facilitated by the team at DVT. Events range from dark
               sky star gazing, seasonal family trails to a Halloween fancy dress orienteering and outdoor
               theatre. An extremely positive event to raise awareness of heathlands ran for the first time in

               its new location at Hogmoor in 2022 called Secrets of the Heath. Attracted more than 2,000
               people to Hogmoor, this is a real example of fantastic partnership working with South Downs

               National Park who have secure funding for the next three years.

                        Nomination for Managing Partner's Choice Award - Project of the Year

               Learning through Nature – The Avenue Country Park

               Learning through nature has three key aims, firstly, a programme of inclusive community
               activities, enabling participation in learning activities, guided walks, forest schools, practical
               conservation and volunteering. Secondly, forest school and nature activity areas,

               waymarked trails and interpretation of key site habitats and wildlife to enable outdoor
               learning and improved visitor experience and accessibility. Thirdly, wildlife viewing screens

               to allow visitors to spend time engaging with and understanding the variety of key habitats
               and wildlife present, while avoiding disturbance.
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