Page 16 - Managing Partner Awards Shortlist
P. 16

Organising events to engage people, food drop offs for homeless people, walk and talks for
               isolated people, engaging with Chester University student groups, wildlife surveys of the

               park, the contacting and coordination of the planting of the Queens Green Canopy as well as
               also volunteering with TCV in the groups that we also run on the park.
               Not only do they do all this, they also help very much with the maintenance of the site

               furniture and Ranger Cabin as well as look for funding to run new and on-going projects.
               Well done to all of you and thanks for all the hard work and support that you give to

               Countess Country Park and TCV.

               St Joseph’s School Community Group (Kiv)

               This volunteer group have put a lot of work into converting some overgrown, disused
               woodland on the school site and creating a pleasant outside learning space. There was

               support from TCV but also from the school, local residents and parish councillors.
               This project was a really good example of an area pulling together to improve facilities and
               provide a valuable space for the school children to benefit from.

                                         Nomination for Volunteer of the Year

               Graeme Jefferson - Braeburn Park
               Graeme is a local resident of Braeburn Park housing estate, bordering the reserve and has
               been volunteering here for over seven years always taking a leading role when asked.

               Graeme cares about the reserve and its future, putting in a great deal of effort to help with
               the wide range of practical tasks, always getting on well with the rest of the team and

               members of the public with his proactive approach and great sense of humour. It would be
               good to recognise the contribution that Graeme has made to Braeburn during his years of

               Andrew Eaton – Countess of Chester Country Park

               This young man never complains and is always smiling, come rain, hail or snow he is there.
               He will undertake whatever job you give him without complaint and is known for his
               impeccable brewing up skills, how he remembers who has what, no one knows!
               Well done Andrew for all your hard work, for your on-going dedication and commitment to

               the projects at Countess Country Park.

               Bill Anderson - Yorkshire
               Bill has been volunteering at two Green Gym locations for several years. He has put in lots
               of hard work, he always loves seeing a job through to completion and takes real pride in the
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