Page 17 - Managing Partner Awards Shortlist
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improvements made to the habitat and upkeep of the sites. What we would call a real

               Sam Toon – Silverdale Country Park
               Sam started volunteering with Groundwork as part of the Natural Neighbourhoods project in

               June 2021. Sam lives in the local community and has committed over 200 hours of
               volunteering since June, always turning out for work parties and community events. He has

               been instrumental in helping getting Community Action days started at Silverdale and often
               leads activities and encourages and supports new volunteers. These activities have included
               dry stone walling and hedge laying taster events, scything, as well as walks and wildlife

               identification activities.

               Sam is passionate about the environment, very patient and is always supportive with other
               group members, he is a real asset to the group.

               Jack Windle – South Yorkshire, TVC sites
               Jack is an 18-year-old horticulture student at Dearne Valley College. When he politely
               approached TCV last year asking if he could gain work experience by joining the Dinnington

               and Kiveton Green Gym teams, he was immediately accepted.

               Jack was welcomed into the group as a shy teenager but it wasn’t long before his confidence

               and personality started to shine through and he’s now a treasured member of the team.
               Jack has been nominated because of his incredible attitude to work and his exceptional work

               ethic, his wonderful sense of humour, kind and helpful attitude and how he positively
               engages with everyone in the group - most of whom are at least 40 years his senior. He has
               overcome many personal challenges through volunteering, is a brilliant role model to others

               and he a real pleasure to work with.

                                          Nomination for SITE OF THE YEAR

               The Avenue Sites
               The two sites at Wingerworth have always been connected, and the transfer of them
               separately is a temporary matter in the minds of most people in the area.  As such, and in

               terms of delivery there can be few sites which achieve outstanding results across the range
               of charitable outcomes, indeed it would receive plaudits in any category mentioned above.

               Environment: we have few sites with so many notable species including sand martins,
               curlew, barn owl, little egret, heron, great crested newts, water vole, grass snake, bullhead,
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