Page 18 - Managing Partner Awards Shortlist
P. 18

kingfisher - and that's before you start to delve into plants and invertebrates.  It is an
               outstanding site for wildlife.

               Education: the site is just starting on this journey, but an improved "forest schools" area has
               seen community groups, drop in sessions and formal school groups starting to be invited

               and attending sessions at the site.  However, it goes beyond this with occasions when you
               ask the group arriving in the car park where they are from to find the University of the Third

               Age from Sheffield have turned up unannounced.  In addition, there are fairly regular visits
               from professional groups, with Natural England bringing colleagues from NE and EA and
               DEFRA to site to help explain what Natural Capital is.  As well as this, The Polish

               environmental regulators visited while on a trip to Sheffield University meaning the site helps
               with education of all ages and all levels of expertise.

               Community Cohesion: the site has really seen local people come together to enjoy the
               space, especially over the period of the pandemic.  In the last year the way local people and

               businesses came out in support of the damage to the boardwalk was humbling, but also
               raised over £23k through social media.

               Health: the site supports the local junior sports association and junior teams in the local
               rugby club with pitches for matches and training.  A local running club are licenced to train
               on the site, and encourage young and old to take part in a "Couch to 5km" programme and

               more arduous activity.  Most weeks walking groups are found on site, often organised by
               local community groups but just turning up.  Almost always you will find people walking just

               because they want to get out and the paths are really good and obvious.

               Economy: the remediation of the Avenue site has enabled economic regeneration to happen

               in the area, with significant house building directly on site by Tilia Homes, but also Redrow
               having two sites very close by and Taylor Wimpy adjacent to the site.  Plans for industrial

               and office development on the footprint of the old industrial works will increase employment
               and stimulate the local economy.  The site employs a full time ranger, a part time Community
               Outreach Officer and stockman.  The various licences bring in additional funds and support
               the management of high quality sports pitches making the area significantly more attractive

               for investment and opportunities for homes.

               Hogmoor Inclosure
               The Land Trust took on overall management of Hogmoor Inclosure in Hampshire in late
               2020 during a national lockdown. Despite this, in a short space of time Deadwater Valley
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