Page 32 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2021
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The Land Trust                                                                                      Annual Review 2021

       Our Trustees

       Our Trustees oversee the work of the organisation, ensuring we stay on track
       to deliver our charitable objectives and providing scrutiny to our processes and
       decisions. In the last 12 months Dinah Nichols and Simon MacGiIllivray retired
       as Trustees. Dinah and Simon both provided a decade of sterling service to the
       Land Trust and we thank them for their enormous contribution.

       William Hiscocks – Chair                 Tom Keevil                                                   Patrick Aylmer                           substantial experience of property development
                                                                                                                                                      and major urban renewal projects.
       Bill was appointed Chair of the Land Trust in December   Appointed to the Board of Trustees in May 2016, Tom   Patrick is a Chartered Accountant, with 20 years’
       2019 having joined the Board in 2014. He has over   has been operating as a senior executive, providing   experience of investment banking and mergers and   He was Director of Urban Estates for The Crown
       30 years’ experience of working in financial services.   guidance and advice to the Boards of three FTSE 100   acquisitions. He currently runs the property finance   Estate, Head of Property for Transport for London.
       After graduating from the University of Edinburgh with   PLCs for over 15 years, following a 16 year career, since   business of Fox Investments and was previously   He subsequently worked as Commercial Director in
       a Bachelor of Commerce, Bill joined the private equity   qualification, in an international law firm.  Investment Director of a FTSE-100 company. Patrick is   the Cabinet Office’s Government Property Agency
       group 3i (then called ICFC) in 1981 and was both an                                                   also a Council Member of the National Army Museum   as Commercial Director. He has a range of other
       investor and a portfolio manager for over 21 years. He   A media trained issues manager and governance   and a Trustee of Battersea Dogs & Cats Home.  business and community leadership roles.
       worked in a number of locations in the UK and also the   expert, Tom has been a Financial Conduct Authority
       Channel Islands and Asia Pacific. From 2003 until 2012   approved non-executive director of Factories Mutual                                   Louise Brooke-Smith
       Bill was a private banker and was employed by two   Insurance Limited, a subsidiary of FM Global, and
       European banks.                          Chair of its Risk Committee since 2011. He is Company        Janet Haddock-Fraser                     Louise Brooke-Smith is a Chartered Surveyor and
                                                Secretary to the Board of the Manchester Airport Group                                                Chartered Town Planner and was appointed to the
       One of Bill’s many interests is conservation and   and a member of its Executive Committee, with line   Janet has had an academic career and brings   board in December 2019. She has over 30 years’
       he was honorary treasurer of Fauna and Flora   management responsibilities for its Internal Audit, Risk   experience in university management, biodiversity   commercial experience across the land, property and
       International from 1998 to 2000. Bill now acts   and Insurance and Health and Safety functions. He is   and the environment. She is currently Professor   construction sectors, within the UK and overseas,
       as trustee for a number of organisations.  also a Member of the Law Society.                          of Sustainability and Leadership at Manchester   inter alia, establishing a national planning consultancy.
                                                                                                             Metropolitan University. Janet is a Fellow of the   Arcadis acquired her company in 2017 when Louise
                                                Between 2002 – 2007, he was a Trustee of a UK pension        Royal Geographical Society and RSA (Royal Society   became a Partner and UK Head of Development
                                                fund, managing circa £900million of assets. He was also      for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and   & Strategic Planning.
       Sarah Whitney                            a Non-executive director of the Solicitors Regulatory        Commerce and Associate of the Institute for Corporate
                                                Authority (SRA) and its Professional Standard Financial      Responsibility and Sustainability and the International   She stepped down from the Partnership in 2019 to
       Sarah Whitney brings financial and property expertise   Resources and Regulatory Risk Committees between   Coaching Federation.                take up a number of Non-Executive Directorships and
       to the Land Trust. She is a chartered accountant and   2009 – 2014. Tom also undertook the role of General                                     international advisory positions. She had previously
       former investment banker who has specialised in real   Council and Company Secretary at United Utilities   Janet’s academic research focuses on motivations   served as RICS Global President (2014-15)
       estate for much of her career, both as a corporate   Group PLC between December 2007 – March 2011     for corporate social/environmental responsibility and
       finance partner at PwC and then heading the   and General Counsel and Company Secretary, Barratt      leadership from multi-stakeholder, and intra-   In June 2019 Louise was awarded an OBE for services
       Consulting & Research arm of DTZ. Sarah subsequently   Developments PLC between April 2011 – January 2016.  institutional, perspectives.       to the built environment and to diversity and inclusion
       established and led the Government & Infrastructure                                                                                            – recognition for her passion for equality across the
       practice at CBRE.                                                                                                                              land, property and construction industries. She is a
                                                                                                                                                      Freeman of the City of London; was named as National
       Sarah holds a Visiting Fellowship at the Department                                                   Anthony Bickmore                         Construction Achiever (2015) and holds Honorary
       of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge,                                                                                                Doctorates from the Universities of Wolverhampton,
       where she teaches on planning, regeneration and                                                       Anthony is a widely experienced property professional   Sheffield Hallam and Birmingham City.
       development. She is also a Lay Member at University                                                   and Chartered Surveyor who has worked at the interface
       College London, where she sits on the Finance and                                                     of the public and private sectors for over 25 years,
       Investment Committees. Sarah also serves as Chair of                                                  setting strategy and taking responsibility for delivery. He
       our Audit Committee.                                                                                  has worked across most sectors of the market and has

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