Page 29 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2021
P. 29

The Land Trust                                Annual Review 2021


                                 Site delivering best economic activity
                                 The winner of the Land Trust site delivering best economic activity was one of our
                                 service charge sites, St Michael’s Hurst.
                                 The Land Trust works with Nurture and Greenscapes to manage the green space within
                                 Bat Willow Hurst Country Park ensuring that the community within St Michael’s Hurst
                                 has a beautiful space on their doorstep to use for their physical and mental wellbeing.
 We have done   Along with employing local managing partners and suppliers our sites add
 everything we   significant value to local communities, encouraging positive investment within   Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Countryside were able to complete 48
                                 homes while a new school has also been built in the area. The area is thriving and will
 the area.
 can to try and                  only continue to grow in the next few years.
 support the   Our effective green space management protects, and often increases, the value of
 people that we   properties around our sites, creates jobs and allows local businesses and tourism   Case Study – Barista bus at Twywell
 to thrive.
 work with...
 We deliver this economic value across four key areas:  A fantastic example of a thriving business on one of our sites is the Barista bus at
                                 Twywell Hills and Dales. Run by Nicola, her selection of hot drinks, delicious cakes
   Land management and use       and treats has proven hugely popular with the community at Twywell. She has recently
                                 been able to upgrade her bus with much more room to provide food and drink and
   Supply chain expenditure      also give her space to work inside – just in time for the winter months.

                                 Economic and Social Value Delivered
   Workforce development         Economy                 Value (per annum) 2020-21  Type of Value
                                 Land management and use  £42,747             Gross Value Added
 The various periods of lockdown to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic had an effect on
 many businesses that either run on our sites or are in the surrounding areas. However   Supply chain expenditure  £14,656  Gross Value Added
 we have done everything we can to try and support the people that we work with   Tourism  £173,894  Gross Value Added
 to help them get back on their feet and many small businesses are now thriving in   Workforce development  £2,211  Cost Saving
 partnership with the Land Trust.
                                 Workforce development                        Gross Value Added

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