Page 35 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2021
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The Land Trust                                Annual Review 2021

 Jon Irvine  Deborah Rees

 Jon Irvine, from Homes England, joined the board of   Deborah was appointed to the board of Trustees in
 Trustees in September 2019. Jon is an experienced   December 2019. She brings 30 years’ experience
 Chartered Surveyor who has worked for Homes England   as a Senior Investment Banker primarily as a
 (previously the Homes and Communities Agency) since   Director for Barclays Investment Bank and Merrill
 2004 in a number of roles including management of the   Lynch. She is now a Non-Executive Director and
 agency’s Commercial Joint Ventures and leading the   member of the Investment Committee of The
 Development and Disposals teams. Jon currently leads   Methodist Insurance Company.and a pension fund
 the Contingent Assets and Liabilities and Commercial   trustee for the Leprosy Mission International.
 Disposals Team dealing with the resolution of historic
 land and property matters alongside disposals of the
 agency’s non-core and commercial land.  William Hiscocks – Chair  Sarah Whitney  Tom Keevil  Patrick Aylmer
 Sandra Kelly
 Sandra was appointed to the Board of Trustees in
 Nick Taylor-Buck  December 2019. A Chartered Accountant, she was
 formerly Finance Director of the Canal & River Trust.
 Nick was appointed to our board of trustees in   Prior to that she spent eight years as Finance Director
 December 2019. Nick is the Research Manager for the   at NHBC (the National House Building Council). She
 Faculty of Science at the University of Sheffield. He   is a Non-Executive director of Finsbury Growth &
 previously worked on the ‘Realising Just Cities’ project,   Income Trust plc as well as being Chair and Governer of
 helping to co-ordinate the programme of work and   Headington School in Oxford. She previously held senior
 the design, delivery and evaluation of co-production   finance positions in the commercial sector, most notably
 projects across two-city regions in the North of England.   for BMW GB.
 He has a PHD in the natural sciences and is also a
 qualified Chartered Surveyor.

            Janet Haddock-Fraser   Anthony Bickmore  Louise Brooke-Smith  Jon Irvine
 Nick McLeod-Clarke
 Chair of the Trust’s Investment Committee, Nick
 spent over 31 years working for several asset
 management organisations, the last 17 years as
 a Managing Director with BlackRock, currently the
 world’s largest asset manager. Nick spent almost
 all of his career as a fund manager specialising
 in UK Equities. In addition to a BA in Economics,
 he also has a Masters Degree in Finance from the
 London Business School. Nick chairs the Investment
 Committee and also sits on the Audit Committee.
 As well as his work with The Land Trust, Nick is also a
 member of the Investment Committee of the Nursing   Nick Taylor-Buck  Nick McLeod-Clarke  Deborah Rees  Sandra Kelly
 and Midwifery Council.

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