Page 38 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2018
P. 38

Service Charge                                                                                                                                                  Land Trust Annual Review 2018

         The Land Trust has many years of experience    improved, particularly in how we manage a
         in managing parks and open green spaces.  positive relationship with our residents and keep
                                                 them informed about our work in an effective way.
         However in recent years, we have taken our
         unique skill set, passion and expertise for   We are developing innovative methods to
         improving people’s lives directly into communities   communicate with, consult and involve the
         by taking on service charge spaces. This involves   community to enable residents to make
         us taking on the management of the      decisions on how their land is managed.
         green space and planning a sustainable future
         that benefits all residents and the local community.   In addition to Beaulieu and Upton, the Land
         We work with a local contractor or managing   Trust took on the management of Waverley
         partner to ensure the upkeep and maintenance   in 2017, bringing our total number of service
         of the site are to a high standard. The cost is then   charge sites to three. Waverley currently has
         shared between all residents (the service charge),   around 800 residents who contribute to the
         who are kept informed and involved in decision   green space around their properties. This
         making processes and budgeting.         includes two lakes, which are surrounded                   Awards
                                                 by woodland and open green space. As
         Unlike commercial landscape contractors we   development continues on the site, the Land
         have a long-term interest in the site and aim   Trust will take on more of the completed space
         to manage our spaces in a way that improves   and begin new relationships with homeowners.
         people’s lives and communities, rather than to
         generate shareholder dividends.         In the future, we will continue to develop our
                                                 three service charge spaces, whilst bringing
         This is reflected in our resident’s satisfaction   more communities on board with our forward-
         following recent surveys on our sites at Beaulieu   thinking, people first approach.
         and Upton. The results highlighted that 78%
         of residents said that our work had a positive
         impact on their mental health and wellbeing,
         while 75% of respondents said they were happy     “ It is our belief that well
         to live in a space managed by the Land Trust.      managed green space is
                                                            the catalyst that creates,
         While the early results of this work are promising
         we recognise that there are areas that can be      healthy, resilient and
                                                            sustainable communities.
                                                           “ Building new homes is
                                                            vitally important to the
                                                            country, but it is the
                                                            green infrastructure
                                                            around these homes that
                                                            is key to bringing new
                                                            communities together,
                                                            creating support networks                                                                                 Four Land Trust sites
                                                            and providing space                                                                                       were recipients
                                                            for healthy activity and                                                                                  of the prestigious
                                                            outdoor education.”                                                                                       Green Flag award
                                                            Euan Hall, Chief Executive                                                                                in 2017-18

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