Page 35 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2018
P. 35

Fundraising                                                             Land Trust Annual Review 2018

                                                                “ The funding for the
                                                                 new visitor centre at
                                                                 Port Sunlight River
                                                                 Park will bring even
                                                                 greater benefits to
                                                                 the local community
                                                                 and economy.

                                                                “ There will be a variety
                                                                 of opportunities for
                                                                 people to explore
                                                                 Bromborough’s cultural
                                                                 and natural heritage
                                                                 through archaeological
                                                                 excavation, community
                                                                 history projects,
                                                                 heritage based trails
                                                                 and more.”

                                                                 Euan Hall, Chief Executive
 The Land Trust’s fundraising activities   Port Sunlight River Park
 provide us with an opportunity to deliver even   We were delighted to receive the news of
 greater charitable benefits across our parks   a successful bid to Heritage Lottery Fund
 and green spaces and for those communities   for an exciting project at Port Sunlight River
 local to our sites.  Park in the Wirral. This grant – of almost
 £500,000, will allow us to work with partners
 This year we have successfully secured almost   Autism Together and Big Heritage, to deliver
 £670,000, working closely with our managing   a wide range of benefits for the park and the
 partners, local communities and other   surrounding communities. The project will
 stakeholders to develop diverse projects across   begin with the creation of a visitor heritage
 the country that will allow us to deliver increased   centre overlooking Liverpool across the
 charitable outcomes on our sites. A number   River Mersey, providing a café, displays and
 of projects have been funded and delivered   interpretation and event space. The next two
 throughout the year, while we also work   years will see community archaeological digs
 towards fundraising for longer term strategic   taking place at the nearby Old Courthouse
 developments and activities.  site; training and education activities; and
 events both at Port Sunlight and the Old
 Courthouse. The project will engage with
 people of all ages and abilities from across
 the area and provide an opportunity for
 hands-on learning about the rich history
 of this area. Fundraising is continuing to
 maximise the project benefits.

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