Page 33 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2018
P. 33

Environment and biodiversity                                            Land Trust Annual Review 2018

 We want our
 spaces to be rich
 in biodiversity and
 great places for
 trees, flowers, bugs
 and birds to enjoy

 “ It’s great to see the
 government taking the
 lead in creating a long
 term plan for protecting
 and enhancing the UK’s
 precious environment.
 It makes good economic
 sense and it’s also vital
 for public health and
 well-being both physically
 25 Year Environment Plan  and mentally.
 In January, the Land Trust was delighted to
 see the government announce a 25 year   “ All government
 environment plan.
 departments need to   Fundraising
 Proposals to improve air and water quality,   play their part in creating
 enhance wildlife habitats and use green spaces   good quality, healthy
 to improve public health and well-being were
 welcomed by the Land Trust, mirroring the   places for living and
 charity’s own key aims and activities.  leisure, particularly in
 urban areas. We urge
 We were pleased that the recommendations
 contained in the report “A Green Future:    them to provide clear
 Our 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment”   investment frameworks
 recognised the many threats to the natural
 environment and also the social injustice of   for the creation,   Our fundraising
 young people from deprived backgrounds   enhancement and long   activities provide us
 having less access to green open spaces.  term maintenance of   with an opportunity to
 We also approved of key policies to make more   green spaces and green   deliver even greater
 effort to connect children with nature    infrastructure fit for the   charitable benefits
 and to embed the environmental net gain
 principle into commercial developments,   21st century.”   across our parks
 including housing and infrastructure projects.  Euan Hall, Chief Executive  and green spaces

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