Page 36 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2018
P. 36

Fundraising                                                                                                                                                     Land Trust Annual Review 2018

                                                                            Our site at
                                                                            continues to thrive

                                                                                                            Service Charge

         Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park
         Outdoor Classroom
         The new outdoor classroom at Greenwich   Northumberlandia
         Peninsula Ecology Park is now complete,    Our site at Northumberlandia, near Newcastle,
         with the final piece of the funding puzzle   received a grant of £10,000 from Banks
         supplied by Ikea. The company has       Community Fund to carry out works to improve
         provided £122,000 to carry out a number   the entrance and access to the site. This, along
         of improvements on the site, including the   with other recent grants, has enabled us to
         completion of the classroom building.   significantly enhance facilities for visitors and
                                                 attract more school groups to use the site for
         This exciting project in one of the fastest   education visits.
         growing areas in London will enable our
         managing partner TCV to deliver more
         educational activities on site, allowing more   In-Kind Contributions
         children from schools across London to find   Across our sites, wider fundraising activities
         out about the wildlife and wild spaces on their   are also undertaken, with our managing
         doorstep. The new flexible space will also   partners, site users and other stakeholders
         provide a venue for activities and events for   contributing in-kind contributions and
         people of all ages from across the community    raising money for Land Trust sites. While this
         to engage with their local green space.   income is not reflected in the Land Trust’s
                                                 financial accounts, it contributes greatly
         Additional funding was received from the   to the delivery of our charitable outcomes,
         Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation; from   provides ‘match’ funding for wider projects,
         grants received in the previous financial   and delivers great benefits on the ground.
         year from Postcode Local Trust and Veolia
         Environmental Trust (through the Landfill   Thanks to all our managing partners, friends
         Communities Fund); through generous     groups and visitors for all their work throughout
         donations from local residents and site users;   the year in raising additional income and
         and through the fundraising efforts of the   carrying out improvements across the Land
         Friends of Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park.  Trust’s sites.

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