Page 43 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2018
P. 43

Our people and partners                                                 Land Trust Annual Review 2018

           Our trustees

 The hard
 work and
 of our
 staff and
 partners is key
 to our success

 The people who work hard to continue the   think over their development needs and discuss
 growth and success of the Land Trust are   with their manager. Working from that, training
 the most important part of the organisation.   will then be provided to help meet those needs
 Without them we wouldn’t be able to deliver   and deliver results. This will be continued over
 our charitable benefits, acquire and manage   the next year, with aims to increase the amount
 sites or communicate with the people we   of quality training provided to our staff.
 serve. Over the last year there has been
 change in the shape of our head office team,   The unique model we have for the management
 which has resulted in a fresh outlook for the   of our sites means that a further 57 people are
 future of the Land Trust.  employed to manage the day-to-day running
 of our sites. We work with 27 partners, which
 As of 31 March 2018, we directly employed   include The Conservation Volunteers, National
 36 people; 26 full time and 10 part time. Our   Trust and Wildlife Trusts and local community
 finance apprentice, Lauryn Parker, completed   groups. We work closely together to ensure
 her first year with us and continues to be   communities benefit from the well-managed
 supported through her studies towards   green space. Performance is regularly monitored
 achieving her AAT accounting qualification.   as part of the management plan, which ensures
 We also continued to work with the University   charitable objectives are delivered.
 of Chester, taking on students for work based
 learning placements, which will enhance skills   This year we hosted our Managing Partners
 and support them in future endeavours.  away day at Northumberlandia to celebrate
 the success and hard work of the partners
 The Land Trust is committed to nurturing our   on our sites across the country. This annual
 staff, and supporting them to develop their   event, which includes our awards ceremony,
 skills. Over the last year, 164.8 days of training   will be hosted at Port Sunlight River Park next
 were completed by Land Trust staff. As part   year, which will be an excellent opportunity for
 of our performance management scheme, a   staff and partners to collaborate, communicate
 performance development action plan was   and celebrate the great outcomes for the
 introduced, which encourages employees to   communities around our sites.

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