Page 38 - Annual Review 2022
P. 38

The Land Trust                                                                                       Annual Review 2022

       Our People                                                                                            Hogmoor Inclosure,   The Land Trust supported staff in developing their skills with
                                                                                                                                   193 training hours completed over the last 12 months

        The Land Trust is   The Land Trust staff are the lifeblood of the organisation. Without them we
          committed to     would not be able to grow our site portfolio or deliver charitable outcomes. As
                           of 31 March 2022 we directly employed 43 people: 33 full time and 10 part time.
           Training and
        Development of     The Land Trust is committed to the training and development of all colleagues, the
         all colleagues,   target for all staff is to complete a minimum of five days training per year.
        the target for all   There are a number of mandatory training sessions each year. However, the
       staff to complete   mandatory training is not only to build colleague knowledge and awareness but
          a minimum of     also to ensure the Land Trust is compliant with legislation in Health and Safety,
                           data protection and Information security.
       five days training
                per year   Recognising the importance of physical and mental wellbeing, the Land Trust also
                           has a team of six members of staff who are qualified mental first aiders. The team
                           are on hand to support staff whenever needed and meet every six weeks to
                           discuss common themes from contacts and plan in any additional support or
                           events which may be beneficial to staff.
                           In recognition of the commitment and hard work of all colleagues, the Land Trust
                           also seeks to support work/life balance in the promotion of flexible working
                           patterns. Following periods of homeworking during Covid-19 restrictions the
                           Birchwood office has remained open for staff who wish to work in a shared space,
                           while home working is also an option for staff when workload suits.

       Bewsey, Warrington

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