Page 35 - Annual Review 2022
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The Land Trust                                Annual Review 2022


           Northumberlandia      The site received healthy donations over the year while the café revenue was
                 is a stunning   reinvested in the maintenance and improvements of facilities. Inside of the site’s
            human landform       visitors’ centre has recently been reconfigured to allow the counter to better serve
                                 customers and bring more efficiencies to the service times, plus the outside
           of a reclining lady   seating area has been expanded to allow customers to dwell longer and ultimately
                  made of 1.5    spend more whilst on site.
             million tonnes of   And not forgetting the site’s canine visitors… an additional offer for summer now
           rock, clay and soil   includes ice cream, which has been especially developed for dogs!
                                 Economic and Social Value Delivered

                                 Community and Place         Value (per annum)  Type of value
                                 Land management and use     £3,584,204     Gross Value Added
                                 Supply chain expenditure    £821,251       Gross Value Added
                                 Tourism                     £1,631,613     Gross Value Added
                                 Workforce development       £1,149,331     Cost Saving
            Northumberlandia,    Workforce development       £1,853,701     Gross Value Added

 Along with employing local managing partners and suppliers, our sites add
 The Bee Hive at Hogmoor
 Inclosure, Hampshire  significant value to local communities, encouraging positive investment within
 the area.

 Our effective green space management protects, and in many cases increases the
 value of properties around our sites, creates jobs and allows local businesses and
 tourism to thrive.
 We deliver this economic value across four key areas:

  Land management and use
  Supply chain expenditure
  Tourism
  Workforce development
 Site Delivering Best Economic Activity
 One of the Land Trust’s flagship sites, Northumberlandia won this year’s Site
 Delivering Best Economic Activity award.

 Northumberlandia is a stunning human landform of a reclining lady made of 1.5
 million tonnes of rock, clay and soil. She is 100 feet high and a quarter of a mile
 long. During 2021-22 the site received an estimated 87,000 visitors bringing much
 needed finances to local amenities.

             Image by Katie Tiffin

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