Page 30 - Annual Review 2022
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The Land Trust                                                                                       Annual Review 2022

            Field surveys   As a key action of our BEE Strategy and to assist with the delivery and          Hassall Green Nature Reserve,
       were undertaken     reporting of its Environment and Biodiversity KPI, the Land Trust appointed       Sandbach
                           WSP UK Ltd to assess the habitat and biodiversity baseline of its estate.
        of ten Land Trust
        sites, covering a   A habitat baseline was established using a desk-based assessment of the sites
             third of the   directly owned and managed by the Land Trust at 31st March 2022. This was
                           informed by a number of data sources including existing primary baseline data,
        assessed estate,   publicly available open source datasets, and remote sensing data.
         to update and
              inform the   Acknowledging the limitations of a desk based assessment, field surveys were
                           undertaken of ten Land Trust sites, covering a third of the assessed estate, to
                strategic   update and inform the strategic baseline.
                           In turn, this habitat baseline informed the biodiversity baseline using the
                           Biodiversity Metric 3.1 and taking into account certain assumptions and caveats;
                           allowing the Land Trust to quantify the biodiversity value of its estate. Whilst there
                           are limitations to Metric 3.1 and future versions, it has been developed by DEFRA
                           and Natural England to be used as a standardised, habitat based approach to
                           determining a proxy biodiversity value.

                           The Land Trust will use the baseline to inform environmental decisions, monitoring
                           and reporting change, and allowing the Land Trust to deliver the three key themes
                           of its BEE Strategy, as outlined above.

                            Habitat Distinctiveness                      Land Trust Area
                            Very High Distinctiveness                    61.99
                            High Distinctiveness                         602.96
                            Medium Distinctiveness                       818.02
                            Low Distinctiveness                          596.99
                            Very Low Distinctiveness                     89.36

                            Broad Habitat Type                           Land Trust Area
                            Coastal saltmarsh                            4.02
                            Cropland                                     8.95
                            Grassland                                    1022.08
                            Heathland and shrub                          227.43
                            Lakes                                        44.55
                            Sparsely vegetated land                      87.98
                            Urban                                        130.59
                            Wetland                                      34.16
                            Woodland and forest                          772.84

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