Page 26 - Annual Review 2022
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The Land Trust                                                                                       Annual Review 2022

       Community Cohesion and Volunteering

         Our volunteers    Volunteering and engagement of the local communities is an extremely valuable
             provide an    way of enhancing our sites and creating real emotional ownership within them.
                           Organised events and activities on many of our sites help to bring communities
              invaluable   together, but informal activities such as dog walking and cycling (where
       service and give    allowed) enable like-minded people to share their pastimes.
              us a direct   Most of our sites offer volunteering opportunities from regular volunteer days
       connection with     which help us maintain the site in tip top condition to ad hoc seasonal events such
               the local   as thinning trees and welcoming visitors and providing site information. Our
        community and      volunteers provide an invaluable service and give us a direct connection with the
                           local community and park users.
              park users
                           Volunteer of the year
                           18-year-old horticulture student, Jack Windle, was awarded Volunteer of the Year
                           for his hard work and dedication at sites managed in partnership with TCV across
                           South Yorkshire.

                           As a student at Dearne Valley College, when Jack politely approached TCV last
                           year asking if he could gain work experience by joining the Dinnington and Kiveton
                           Green Gym teams, he was immediately accepted.
                           Jack was welcomed into the group as a shy teenager, but it wasn’t long before his   Hogmoor Inclosure, Hampshire  Community space of the year
                           confidence and personality started to shine through and he’s now a treasured                          Hogmoor Enclosure and Prince Philip Park was named the winner of our
                           member of the team.                                                                                   Community Space of the Year category for a whole host of worthy reasons.
                           Quoting Jack’s nomination, “Jack has been nominated because of his incredible          Many of the    The site has hosted 51 events – almost one a week! - throughout the year
                           attitude to work and his exceptional work ethic, his wonderful sense of humour,                       attracting more than 9,000 people. The events ranged from regular adult and
                           kind and helpful attitude and how he positively engages with everyone in the group      individuals   junior park runs and orienteering events, to Brian Wood’s multiple charity
                           - most of whom are at least 40 years his senior. He has overcome many personal       involved have    marathon runs raising money for walking with the wounded.
                           challenges through volunteering, is a brilliant role model to others and he a real   appreciated the
                           pleasure to work with.”                                                                               Rangers from managing partner the Deadwater Valley Trust also run two
                                                                                                             groups and said
       Countess of Chester Country                                                                                               conservation volunteer groups and have delivered 63 sessions involving 287
       Park, Chester       Well done, Jack.                                                                  getting outdoors    individuals over the 12 month period. Many of the individuals involved have
                                                                                                              has significantly   appreciated the groups and said getting outdoors has significantly improved their
                                                                                                                                 mental health and wellbeing.
                                                                                                                improved their
                                                                                                                mental health    On top of this, the Deadwater Valley Trust also worked with the South Downs
                                                                                                                and wellbeing    National Park on a lottery funded partnership based event called Secrets of the
                                                                                                                                 Economic and Social Value Table

                                                                                                                                  Community and Place        Value (per annum)  Type of value
                                                                                                                                  Volunteering               £495,824        Gross Value Added
                                                                                                                                  Volunteering               £329,791        Economic Value
                                                                                                                                  Recreational and Cultural Value  £10,380,062  Economic Value
                                                                                                                                  Community Engagement       £1,310,348      Economic Value
                                                                                                                                  ASB incidents              £748,800        Cost saving

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