Page 42 - Annual Review 2022
P. 42

The Land Trust                                                                                       Annual Review 2022

       Deborah Rees

       Deborah was appointed to the board of Trustees in
       December 2019.
       She brings 30 years’ experience as a Senior
       Investment Banker primarily as a Director for Barclays
       Investment Bank and Merrill Lynch. She is now a
       Non-Executive Director and member of the
       Investment Committee of The Methodist Insurance
       Company, and a pension fund trustee for the Leprosy
       Mission International.
                                                                                                             William Hiscocks – Chair  Tom Keevil     Patrick Aylmer      Janet Haddock-Fraser
       Sandra Kelly
       Sandra was appointed to the Board of Trustees in
       December 2019.

       A Chartered Accountant, she was formerly Finance
       Director of the Canal & River Trust. Prior to that she
       spent eight years as Finance Director at NHBC (the
       National House Building Council). She is a Non-
       Executive director of Finsbury Growth & Income Trust
       plc as well as being Chair and Governor of
       Headington School in Oxford. She previously held
       senior fi nance positions in the commercial sector,
       most notably for BMW GB.

                                                                                                             Anthony Bickmore    Louise Brooke-Smith  Jon Irvine          Nick Taylor-Buck

                                                                                                             Nick McLeod-Clarke  Deborah Rees         Sandra Kelly

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