Page 22 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2020
P. 22

Community cohesion and volunteering                                                                                         Land Trust Annual Review 2020

        Our Waking the Giant
        event at Fort Burgoyne
        was a huge success
        thanks to the support
        of our volunteers

        The positive impact of our volunteers                Service charge                                                       Practicing what we preach

        Friends Of groups, communities and our volunteers are   Community engagement is a huge part of what                       At the Land Trust we believe in practicing what we
        an absolutely vital part of the successful management   we do across our service charge sites. With                       preach which is why our staff took part in a volunteering
        of our parks and green spaces and there are so many   responsibility for the public open space within nine                day at Port Sunlight River Park, following our managing
        fantastic examples of people giving up their time to make   residential developments, and on behalf of over 4,400         partners conference.
        a difference on the sites near where they live and work.   homeowners, the community activities which we run
                                                             on our service charge are vital to bringing the new
        On the Land Trust site at Fort Burgoyne the ages of the   residents together, turning neighbours into friends
        volunteers range from students at school or college and   and houses into homes.                                                           Economic and social value delivered
        working people to the active retired. The volunteers
        help in many activities including working with the local    We run a range of activities on our sites including                             COMMUNITY AND PLACE        VALUE (PER ANNUM)   TYPE OF VALUE
        Primary and Pre Schools to plant over 200 metres of    seasonal events at Easter, Christmas and Summer.                                     VOLUNTEERING               £668,362            GROSS VALUE ADDED
        new hedge in the winter months. They also assist with                                                                                       VOLUNTEERING               £444,553            ECONOMIC VALUE
        the Green Gang children’s events throughout the year    At all of our service charge spaces our Estates team                                RECREATIONAL & CULTURAL VALUE  £7,884,332      ECONOMIC VALUE
        as well as running kite making, bird boxes and crafty    establish a Residents Working Group so that the                                    COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT       £1,191,060          ECONOMIC VALUE
        clay creation sessions.                              homeowners can become engaged with how the public                                      ASB INCIDENTS              £1,041, 755         COST SAVING
                                                             open spaces around their homes are run.
        The icing on the cake was the Waking the Giant event   We also have dedicated Facebook pages for each
        which was held just a couple of weeks before the UK   of our sites where residents can raise queries about
        went into lockdown due to Covid - 19. The volunteers   any aspect of our management of the green space.
        were asked to give tours of the Fort, with over 600
        members of the public being shown round by 14        We also have a dedicated email address and telephone
        stewards and guides during the day.                  number for residents to be able to contact us 24/7.

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