Page 17 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2020
P. 17

Health                                              Land Trust Annual Review 2020

 Spending time
 outdoors is vital
 for young people’s
 mental health and
 to tackle rising
 obesity levels
                                 “Our parks and green spaces have a hugely
                                 positive impact on the physical and mental
                                  wellbeing of the communities we work with”

 What’s in your pack
 Inside this pack you will find everything you need for a great visit to Davy Down:  Outdoor
 • Site map and facilities  learning pack
 • Benefits of Outdoor Learning
 • Woodland Habitat: 8 sheets
    Woodland Factsheet
    Recording Sheet  Davy Down
    EYFS lessons (x2)
    Key Stage 1 (x2)
    Key Stage 2 (x2)
    Woodland (minibeast) Spotter Sheet (in colour and black and white)
    Tree Spotting Sheet (in colour and black and white))
    Woodland Doodle and Writing Sheet
 • Grassland Habitat: 8 sheets
    Grassland Factsheet
    Recording Sheet
    EYFS lessons (x2)
    Key Stage 1 (x2)
    Key Stage 2 (x2)
    Grassland Spotter Sheet (in colour and black and white)
     Grassland Doodle and Writing Sheet
 • Pond Habitat: 8 sheets
    Pond Factsheet
    Recording Sheet
    EYFS lessons (x2)
    Key Stage 1 (x2)
    Key Stage 2 (x2)
    Water bird Spotter Sheet (in colour and black and white)
     Pond Doodle and Writing Sheet
 • Equipment List
 • Risk Assessment Template
 “At the Land Trust we understand
 the value that spending time outdoors can   are free!
 have on physical and mental wellbeing”  Visits to    Davy Down
           Economic and social value delivered                 Health site of the year
           With nearly 1.5 million visits to Land Trust sites in 2019-  Port Sunlight River Park was voted Health Site of the
 Getting families active together  20 our parks and green spaces have made a hugely   Year at the 2020 Land Trust Awards, with the park
           positive impact on the physical and mental wellbeing   hosting a wide variety of activities to benefit the local
 In 2019-20 the Land Trust’s health theme was focused    The Trust also announced a new partnership with   of the communities we work with.  community. Sustrans has held monthly cycling sessions
 on getting families outdoors and active together.  MowMow to build on this positive work further. MowMow   for young children and their families, while Wirral
 is a free to download app, which combines technology   The evidence of the improvements in mental health   Athletics Club use the trails a couple of times a week.
 At the Land Trust we understand the value that spending   with a game of hide and seek, resulting in a fun activity   in particular is continuing to grow, and this has once
 time outdoors can have on physical and mental wellbeing   that gets children moving outside in the real world.  again been a key focus for our staff, managing   There are a number of regular walking groups,
 and we recognise the importance of developing these   partners and volunteer workforce. There have been   while the first set of Mindfulness in Nature courses
 positive habits at an early age so that young people take   Children paint the rocks and leave them for people to   over 3,000 visits to our parks and green spaces to take   ran between April and June, with eight sessions and
 them with them throughout their lives.   find. The MowMow app allows players to give each   place in a mental health activity and this has led to a   11 people attending the full course. The course was
 rock a name and date of birth, log where they hide   cost saving to the public purse of over £500,000.  designed to target local people, particularly those from
 This desire is set against a backdrop of rising childhood   their rocks and then receive notifications whenever   more deprived areas and delivered substantial mental
 obesity levels, decreasing childhood mental health and a   their rocks are found. It also tracks how many miles the   Activities on our sites have also made a significant   wellbeing benefits to participants.
 worrying lack of time spent by children and young people   rock has travelled and has a leaderboard to encourage   difference in labour productivity with over £125,000
 in the natural environment.  competition too.  gross value added to the economy with this   The users of Autism Together also continue to benefit
           productivity uplift based on the number of reduced sick   from being able to use the park, with Port Sunlight
 Over the last 12 months the Trust developed a new   Since teaming up in July 2019, and launching the   days and absenteeism.   helping reduce social isolation, loneliness and help
 education pack full of fun activities for young people to do   partnership with the first event on the Land Trust’s site at   many get back into employment.
 with classmates, teachers or parents. The pack is a great   Wellesley Woodlands, hundreds of children have taken   In total the Land Trust created over £1 million of
 way to inspire a love of the outdoors while also learning   part in the rock painting craze on Land Trust sites across   Economic and Social value through health related
 about nature and the environment.   the country.  activities on our sites.

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