Page 21 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2020
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Community cohesion and volunteering Land Trust Annual Review 2020
“Ashton’s Field has benefited hugely
from volunteer involvement which promotes
pride and a sense of ownership.”
Our sites benefit
hugely from volunteer
involvement which
promotes pride and
a sense of ownership
“The contribution made by our volunteer workforce
cannot be overestimated and we are incredibly
grateful for the huge amount of work that they do.”
Not only is volunteering important on our wide variety of Volunteer of the year Community space of the year
parks and green spaces but it is also particularly crucial
on the nine service charge sites we manage. Bringing Brian Bennett was voted Volunteer of the Year for his Ashton’s Field was awarded Community Space of the identification, bat walks, small mammal trapping and bird
these new communities together is a crucial part of the hard work and dedicated volunteering work at Silverdale Year at this year’s Land Trust Awards, recognition of the surveys, while the fortnightly health walks are regularly
work we do on behalf of our residents. Country Park. outstanding work carried out by Lancashire Wildlife Trust attended by over 40 people.
(LWT) to transform this green space within a busy urban
The contribution made by our volunteer workforce Brian began volunteering at Silverdale in August 2011 and setting into a valuable community resource which makes Ashton’s Field has benefited hugely from volunteer
cannot be overestimated and we are incredibly grateful is the park’s longest serving volunteer. He was instrumental a positive impact on so many lives. involvement which promotes pride and a sense of
for the huge amount of work that they do across our in creating the site’s volunteer group which has run weekly ownership. The volunteer teams are fully integrated into
parks and green spaces. We work hard to ensure that on Thursday morning for the last nine years. This success has happened due to the strong links LWT the maintenance and management of the park, which
every volunteer is given something back for the time and have built with users of Ashton’s Field and have been supports, protects and improves the open space, and
commitment they contribute, either through increased skill He also gives up his own time to lead walking groups, quick to deal with any incidences of anti-social behaviour. also offers invaluable informal environmental education
knowledge, further education, increased health outcomes sharing his knowledge of local history and wildlife. His LWT run regular community events throughout the to the local community, enriching the lives of those
or increased community spirt and reduced social isolation. greatest strength is his ability to share his knowledge with year. This includes activities like guided walks, wildlife who engage.
others and help them grow and develop and this has been
In total there were 18,400 volunteer activities on our sites particularly evident in the many young teenagers on work
in 2019-20, a rise of 5,000 from the previous year. experience who he has mentored.
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