Page 70 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
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Our trustees                                                                                                                                                                                             Land Trust Annual Review 2019


           Patrick Aylmer                                   Janet Haddock-Fraser                                                      Summary of income and expenditure

                                                                                                                                                                                                      YEAR ENDED 31/03/2019  YEAR ENDED 31/03/2018
                                                                                                                                       INCOME AND ENDOWMENTS FROM:                                    £000’s          £000’s
                              Patrick is a Chartered                           Janet is a Professor of                                  DONATIONS AND LEGACIES                                        7               7
                              Accountant, with 20 years’                       Sustainability and Leadership                            CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES                                         940             900
                              experience of investment                         at Manchester Metropolitan                               OTHER TRADING ACTIVITIES                                      399             381
                              banking and mergers and                          University and has written                               SITE FUNDING                                                  8,904           674
                              acquisitions. He currently                       and researched extensively                               INVESTMENTS                                                   5,733           5,128
                              runs the property finance                        on how to influence within                               TOTAL INCOME                                                  15,983          7,090
                              business of Fox Investments                      organisations and external
                              and was previously                               stakeholders to build a                                  EXPENDITURE ON:
                              Investment Director of a                         sustainable future. She is also                          INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT FEES                                    421             428
                              FTSE-100 company. Patrick is                     Chair of Trustees for the EAUC                           CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES                                         6,046           5,807
                              also a Council Member of the                     (Environmental Association for                           TOTAL EXPENDITURE                                             6,467           6,235
                              National Army Museum and a                       Universities and Colleges) and
                              Trustee of the Battersea Dogs                    has recently been appointed                              NET GAINS/(LOSSES) ON INVESTMENTS                             9,839           (2,034)
                              & Cats Home.                                     by the Secretary of State as a
                                                                               Member to the Peak District                              NET INCOME/(EXPENDITURE)                                      19,355          (1,179)
                                                                               National Park Authority.
                                                                               She is a Fellow of the Royal                             OTHER RECOGNISED GAINS/(LOSSES):
                                                                               Geographical Society and                                 ACTUAL GAINS/(LOSSES) ON DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION SCHEME       14              112
                                                                               RSA. She also chairs our                                 NET MOVEMENT IN FUNDS                                         19,369          (1,067)
                                                                               Health Advisory Group.

                                                            Anthony Bickmore
                                                                                                                                      The funds of the charity

                                                                               Anthony is a widely                                                                                                                 GROUP
                                                                               experienced property                                                                                                   YEAR ENDED 31/03/2019  YEAR ENDED 31/03/2018
                                                                               professional with                                       FUNDS:                                                         £000’s          £000’s
                                                                               substantial experience of                                ENDOWMENT FUNDS                                               74,264          68,913
                                                                               property development and                                 RESTRICTED FUNDS                                              74,496          60,849
                                                                               urban renewal projects.                                  GENERAL FUNDS                                                 2,340           4,304
                                                                               He has held senior roles                                 DESIGNATED FUNDS                                              13,003          10,668
                                                                               for the Crown Estate and                                 TOTAL INCOME                                                  164,103         144,734
                                                                               Transport for London and
                                                                               in the Cabinet Office.
                                                                               He is currently providing                              Fundraising
                                                                               strategic advice to
                                                                               Lendlease Europe.                                       SUPPORTED BY:                              SITE/PROJECT                       £000’s
                                                                                                                                        DENISE COATES FOUNDATION                  HASSAL GREEN                       291
                                                                                                                                        ROYAL BOROUGH OF GREENWICH                GREENWICH ECOLOGICAL PARK          17
                                                                                                                                        NORTH EASTERN DERBYSHIRE BUSINESS DEVELOPMENTS LTD  PLEASLEY                 164
                                                                                                                                        ARTSWORK FUNDING                          FORT BURGOYNE                      10
                                                                                                                                        NATIONAL LOTTERY AWARDS FOR ALL           COUNTESS OF CHESTER                10
                                                                                                                                        EPAC                                      FRYSTON                            4
                                                                                                                                        RUSHMOOR BOROUGH COUNCIL                  WELLESLEY                          4
                                                                                                                                        STATUTORY GRANTS                          VARIOUS                            177

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