Page 68 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
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Our trustees                                                                                                                                                                                             Land Trust Annual Review 2019

           Our Trustees oversee the work of the
           organisation, ensuring we stay on track to
           deliver our charitable objectives and providing
           scrutiny to our processes and decisions.

           Peter Smith, Chair                               Sarah Whitney                                                             Dinah Nichols CB                                 Lady Garrett

                              Peter was appointed Chair of                     Sarah is a chartered                                                       Dinah is currently a Governor                    Jane is a former Chief
                              the Land Trust in June 2010.                     accountant and former                                                      of Plymouth University                           Executive of CL:AIRE and
                              Formerly, he was a Senior                        investment banker, having                                                  and a Trustee of the South                       the Brogdale Horticultural
                              Partner and member of the                        specialised in real estate.                                                West Lakes Trust and until                       Trust and was on the Board
                              global leadership team at                        She holds a visiting                                                       September 2016 was chair                         of Covent Garden Market
                              PricewaterhouseCoopers                           Fellowship at the Department                                               of Keep Britain Tidy. She was                    Authority. She has had a
                              (PwC). He has also been                          of Land Economy at the                                                     formerly Director General                        successful and entrepreneurial
                              Chairman of Savills plc;                         University of Cambridge,                                                   Environment at Defra, a                          career operating in the
                              Coopers & Lybrand                                where she teaches on                                                       Crown Estate Commissioner,                       commercial, charitable and
                              International; Templeton                         planning, regeneration and                                                 a non-executive Board                            political sectors.
                              Emerging Markets Investment                      development. Sarah also                                                    member of Pennon Group
                              Trust plc; and RAC plc.                          serves as Chair of our                                                     plc and Chair of the National
                                                                               Audit Committee.                                                           Forest Company and
                                                                                                                                                          Groundwork North London.

           Jeffrey Moore                                    William Hiscocks                                                          Simon MacGillivray                               Tom Keevil

                              Jeffrey is a qualified                           William has 30 years’                                                      Simon is a chartered Forester                    Appointed to the Board of
                              accountant and previously                        experience of working in                                                   and has had a varied career                      Trustees in May 2016, Tom
                              CEO of East Midlands                             financial services, as an                                                  working in a range of diverse                    has had a long legal career
                              Development Agency. He                           investor, portfolio manager                                                occupations including the                        initially as a partner in an
                              is non-executive Director                        and private banker. He was                                                 banking sector and NHS.                          international law firm and
                              of Batemans Brewery and                          honorary treasurer of Fauna                                                                                                 then, as a senior executive,
                              Sharing in Growth, an                            and Flora International                                                                                                     working most recently at
                              aerospace supply chain                           from 1998 to 2000. William                                                                                                  Barratt Developments PLC
                              development company.                             also serves as Chair of our                                                                                                 and United Utilities PLC.
                                                                               Investment Committee.

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