Page 66 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
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Our people and partners                                                                                                                                                                                  Land Trust Annual Review 2019

                                                                                                                                      Our trustees

           The way our sites are managed means that a       recognising the hard work of our partners on our
           further 139 people are employed to manage the    sites across the country during 2018/19, is an
           day to day running of our spaces across the      opportunity for our staff and partners to collaborate,
           country or employed by businesses using          share best practice and celebrate the great
           our sites.                                       outcomes for the communities around our sites. At
            Performance is regularly monitored as part of the   this year’s event our managing partners enjoyed a
           management plan, ensuring charitable objectives   key note speech from Carly Sefton, Chief Executive
           are delivered and that our communities benefit   of Learning Through Landscapes, a UK based
           from well managed green space.                   charity dedicated to enhancing outdoor learning and
           This year our Managing Partners conference was   play for children.
           hosted at Port Sunlight River Park. This annual   Next year’s event will take place at one of the Land
           event, which includes our awards ceremony        Trust’s newest sites, Twywell Hills and Dales.

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