Page 45 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 45

Education                                                                                   Land Trust Annual Review 2019

               Community cohesion

               and volunteering

 “ Green Angels has helped
 How Green Angels helped Gawain  me deal with my social

 anxiety and has helped me
 Gawain is one of Green Angels younger   feel much more positive and
 volunteers and after struggling with alcohol
 and drugs in his teenage years attended our   open to new opportunities.”
 Environmental Education training course and now
 regularly volunteers.
 Gawain explains the impact Green Angels has   something outdoors. Green Angels was the first
 had on his life:“I was looking for volunteering   and only one I could find in the area. It was what
 (opportunities) because I’m not in work. I’ve been   I was looking for, and as far as I could tell, it was
 diagnosed with autism which makes it harder to   the only one I could actually get to.
 get a job for the long-term, so volunteering is what   “I hadn’t been going out and Green Angels has
 I was looking for, particularly outdoors.    helped me deal with my social anxiety and has
  “I’m not very good at being sat inside or on the   helped me feel much more positive and open to
 computer, so I was fairly confident it had to be   new opportunities.”

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