Page 47 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 47

Community cohesion and volunteering                                                         Land Trust Annual Review 2019

 Volunteering and the engagement of local
 communities is an extremely valuable way of
 enhancing our sites and creating emotional
 ownership among our communities and residents.

 The contribution that volunteers make cannot be
 overestimated and our focus is always on the volunteer
 and how we can add to their lives and experience as
 they contribute to their community on our site. We work
 hard to ensure that every volunteer is given something
 back for the time and commitment they contribute,
 either through increased skill knowledge, further
 education, increased health outcomes or increased
 community spirt and reduced social isolation.

                                                                                                      Our green
                                                                                                      spaces bring
                                                                                                      families and

 Over 45,000
 volunteer hours
 were completed
 on Land Trust sites.

 Volunteer of the year
               Community space of the year

 This year’s Volunteer of the Year was Aidan   “ ...He is now a confident,
 Richardson, who started volunteering on our site   determined, passionate   The Countess of Chester Country Park was   Green Gym groups. The park is used by the local
 at Brodsworth in July 2018 becoming an integral   awarded Community Space of the Year at this   community, university students, and staff and visitors
 member of TCV South Yorkshire’s    individual who lives and   year’s Land Trust Awards. The space is a fantastic   of the neighbouring Countess of Chester hospital.
 volunteering team.   breathes the outdoors”  hub for the community and since its opening   In addition to this, a new walking trail has been
 Aidan underwent a personal transformation   in 2014, has become a well-used green space   installed by the Friends group, which has enabled
 after joining the team, as Ranger Leon Hayward   providing a host of physical and mental    many members of the community to become
 explains: “The Aiden who turned up to his first   “Despite balancing volunteering with his part-  wellbeing benefits.   involved with the park. This project was unveiled at
 volunteering session was extremely shy, struggled   time job, Aidan has joined our Volunteer Officer   A fantastic working relationship between the Land   the park’s annual picnic event, which many local
 with social anxiety and had very little confidence in   scheme and has expressed interest in making a   Trust, TCV and the Friends of group has allowed   businesses and organisations attend with stalls
 his own abilities. A year down the line he is now a   career in this sector. His passion for the outdoors is   the park to become a hive of activity throughout   showcasing what they do. The park has retained its
 confident, determined, passionate individual who   infectious and he openly admits that volunteering   the year. Weekly Brightlife sessions help the over   Green Flag Award and won a Bees Needs award for
 lives and breathes the outdoors.  was the best thing he has ever done.”  50s involved in practical work, as well as fortnightly   the first time.

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