Page 40 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
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Education Land Trust Annual Review 2019
Green spaces are great places to learn
about nature and the environment. We
remain committed to creating spaces that
facilitate learning, and provide educational
opportunities that lead to further education
or in many cases employment.
Green Angels
The Land Trust’s flagship Green Angels project
has been increasingly successful since its launch
in 2013. This year saw the project leap from one
Learning outdoors success to another, with eight courses completed
and our education pack by 59 trainees this year. Courses ran at locations in
Warrington and South Yorkshire and will be starting
There is increasing amounts of research looking at three new sites in 2019-20: Fort Burgoyne,
at the positive impact that learning outdoors can Hassall Green Nature Reserve and Countess of
have on young people. This not only increases the Chester Country Park. With new locations also
awareness of the natural environment around them comes new courses; there will be a Wildlife ID
but can help in more traditional subjects such as course starting in the next year, as well as a course
English, Numeracy and Science. The change in ‘All About Trees’.
environment can have a calming effect on many A comment we hear regularly is that this type of
pupils, improving concentration levels and better training and engagement is very difficult to find, Our flagship
Green Angels
facilitating learning. The continued success of Forest and where it is offered, courses are exclusive and programme
continues to
Schools which run on many of our sites continues to expensive. The Land Trust is in a unique position to change people’s
evidence this. Research make a difference in how people view and embrace lives helping
highlights that
them back into
As part of our education strategy, which we many children their surroundings, and crucially make it accessible employment or
learn better
further education.
launched last year, we have developed an education in the natural to people who may not be able to afford this kind of
pack which will be used first on our site at Davy environment. training in normal circumstances.
Down. The pack includes a number of activities which There is a strong group of Green Angels
combine being outdoors with learning and we hope volunteers established in Warrington. In March
will inspire young people to choose to spend time in 2019 the successful and dedicated graduates were
green space. The long term plan is for this to be a celebrated and awarded with certificates for their
resource rolled out in schools across the country. hard work and dedication.
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