Page 33 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 33

Projects of the year                                                                        Land Trust Annual Review 2019


 “ The ambition was that
 the naturalisation of the
 brook would lead to less
 silting and greater growth

 and diversity of plant life,
 resulting in a natural way
 to combat the pollution.”

 Dinnington Brook restoration

 Over the last year, our managing partners on our site   brook would lead to less silting and greater growth
 at Dinnington, The Conservation Volunteers, have led   and diversity of plant life, resulting in a natural way to
 a project to successfully complete the restoration of   combat the pollution.
 a brook that runs through the site.   Work then involved clearing the mass of overgrown
 The work was designed as part of a landscape   scrub and digging the new channel, which has
 scale project to reduce levels of water pollution in   several heights that will allow small areas of river
 minor rivers. The brook at Dinnington contained high   bank to flood during high water events.
 levels of phosphates, was overgrown and no longer   The early results of the project have been very
 supported crayfish, amphibians or water vole.   positive with water flowing well and light levels
 The ambition was that the naturalisation of the   significantly increased.

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