Page 28 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 28

Projects of the year                                                                                                                                                                                     Land Trust Annual Review 2019

           Outdoor classroom at Greenwich

           We were delighted to officially open our new
           outdoor classroom at Greenwich Peninsula                                                                                   Heritage Centre at
           Ecology Park in October. This project was funded                                                                           Port Sunlight River Park
           by Ikea, Bernard Sunley Charitable Foundation,
           People’s Postcode Lottery, Veolia Environmental
           Trust as well as through generous donations                                                                                Work on the new heritage centre was
           from local fundraising efforts by the Friends of                                                                           completed with the opening event attended
           Greenwich Peninsula Ecology Park.                                                                                          by world boxing champion Callum Smith,
            The classroom has enabled our managing                                                                                    a passionate campaigner for Autism Awareness.
           partner, TCV, to deliver more educational activities                                                                         Funded by a grant of nearly £500,000 from
           on the site, allowing more children from schools                                                                           Heritage Lottery Fund, the new heritage centre
           across London to find out about the wildlife on                                                                            overlooks the River Mersey and includes a café
           their doorstep.                                                                                                            and event space which can host school visits
            The classroom also provides a venue for                                                                                   and community groups.
           activities and events for people of all ages and                                                                             The café will also provide a source of income
           encourage people from across the community to                                                                              for the site which will be used to increase
           engage with their local green space.                                                                                       charitable delivery.

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