Page 26 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 26

Our new sites                                                                                                                                                                                            Land Trust Annual Review 2019

                                                                                                                                      Projects of the year

           Castle Hill Country Park                         Twywell Hills and Dales

           The Land Trust is working in partnership with    The management of the site was passed to the
           Laverstock and Ford Parish Council to develop    Land Trust from East Northamptonshire Council
           Castle Hill Country Park and maximise the        (ENC). Throughout the initial stages of the
           benefits for the local community and wildlife.   handover, we will work in partnership with ENC
                                                            to work with and develop the Friends of Twywell
            Situated on former                              Hills and Dales group, which will ensure any
           farmland, Castle Hill                            improvements meet the needs of local residents
           provides fine views                              and visitors to the site.
           across South Wiltshire.
           The site is a great place                         Part of Twywell Hills and
           to spot wildlife with the                        Dales is a designated Site
           Skylarks in spring a                             of Special Scientific Interest
           particular highlight.                            for botany but with an
                                                            excellent invertebrate fauna
                                                            which is replicated over
                                                            more of the site. The site
                                                            is also recognised as the
                                                            best place for butterflies in

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