Page 4 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2016-17
P. 4

Chief Executive’s Report

       This year I am pleased to report a further significant
       increase in the delivery of our charitable objectives

       across our sites, in particular an increase in the
       delivery of health and community related activities.
       It has also been a year where we have been able

       to play our part in promoting the value of green
       space to society.                                             Euan Hall
                                                                     Chief Executive

       New Sites                            the Land Trust, were also signed. We   the surrounding housing developments.
       We acquired a further 178 hectares across   look forward to working with the residents   Shortly after the end of the financial year,
       six sites, including at Omega, the former   to not only deliver quality green space   our five-year interim management contract
       Burtonwood airbase in Warrington, where a   management, but to do it in such a way that   at the iconic Liverpool Festival Gardens
       new park -“Greenheart”- will be constructed   enhances biodiversity, education, health   came to an end and the management of the
       for us by the developers; East Ketley, a   activities and community engagement.  site was handed back to owners Liverpool
       restored former coalfield and landfill in                                City Council ahead of the wider area’s
       Telford; and a significant expansion to   Existing Sites                 redevelopment. It has been a pleasure
       our Canvey Wick site in Essex with the   After 10 years as our Managing Partner   to be involved in the re-creation of the
       acquisition of a further 135 hectares of   the Forestry Commission relinquished   Gardens after they fell into disrepair and to
       land to further enhance our existing nature   day-to-day management of seven of our   have the opportunity to work with the TCV
       reserve (page 20). During the year we have   South Yorkshire sites to The Conservation   rangers and so many committed volunteers.
       also ceased the interim management of a   Volunteers (TCV). The Forestry Commission,   Working together we not only maintained

      OVER                                                       DELIVERING OPEN

      2,300 HECTARES                                             SPACE MANAGEMENT

      OF OPEN SPACE                                              TO OVER 1,450 HOMES

       small one hectare site for IKEA in London.   our partners from the outset, helped us   the iconic gardens but delivered amazing
       This brings our portfolio under management   to develop our Managing Partner model   community benefits to over 1,800 school
       to 63 sites and 2,319 hectares (including   and have supported us, and the local   pupils and more than 1,600 people who
       the 464ha of Newlands, Revive and    communities, delivering numerous events   benefited from health activities. In addition,
       Remade Programme sites that we manage).   and creating valuable habitats. Following a   the site has brought together hundreds of
                                            competitive tender process we are looking   local volunteers who have, over the last
       The year has also seen us add to our   forward to working with The Conservation   five years, worked tirelessly with support
       residential service charge portfolio with the   Volunteers to manage Bentley, Brodsworth,   from the rangers to maintain the Gardens.
       management of the open spaces around   Cudworth, Dinnington, Kiveton, New
       Countryside’s prestigious development   Park Springs and Phoenix Park to   At our Cronton site the Trust negotiated an
       at Beaulieu, Chelmsford (page 21). The   deliver even more community benefit.   easement for access to an adjacent housing
       development, which currently consists of                                 development for a consideration of £1m.
       around 100 homes, will expand to more   We also celebrated 10 years of
       than 3,000 over the coming years with 176   management at Weetslade Country Park   Benefits
       acres of parks and open space. At the   (page 21). The 38 hectare park, north of   We have always recognised that good
       beginning of 2017/18 legal agreements for   Newcastle, was transformed from a colliery   quality, well managed green spaces
       the management of the greenspace around   and is now a wildlife rich greenspace   have a positive effect on communities.
       developments at Waverley, Rotherham and   popular with cyclists on Old Wagon Way   This year we have focused on promoting
       New Lubbesthorpe, Leicestershire, a further   which runs through the park as part of the   the benefits of green spaces for health
       250 hectares and the green infrastructure   popular Sustrans Reivers Coast to Coast   and wellbeing. Encouraging our rangers
       around up to 5,000 homes over time to   route, and new communities moving into

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