Page 3 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2016-17
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Chairman’s Report

       The Land Trust is a charity that is committed to
       acquiring and managing green space for the benefit

       of communities. 2016/17 has seen more land come
       under our management, including a significant, 135
       hectare, expansion to our Canvey Wick site in Essex and

       a number of open spaces associated with new housing
       developments. Perhaps most importantly, we have
       continued to deliver on our charitable objectives and
       have improved how we measure the value that long

       term investment in well managed green space
       brings to society as a whole.                                                               Peter Smith

       Site Acquisitions                                      on this portfolio were again above 4%, with total investment income
       In line with our 10 Year Strategy, this year has seen significant   of £5.3 million. This enabled us to manage our sites sustainably,
       development of our service charge activities. Whilst we continued   to achieve our charitable outcomes. Costs were well controlled,
       to acquire a number of sites funded in the traditional way, through   with a modest increase in spend on charitable activities.
       endowments, this year we have taken on the management   The Land Trust ended the year with £145.8 million of funds carried
       of the open space around the first 100 residential properties   forward, of this £9.2 million was classified as General Funds. During
       at Beaulieu, Chelmsford, taking the number of properties in   its early years, the Land Trust was reliant on Unrestricted Funds
       our service charge operations to 1,800. Shortly after year-end   to fund growth. A Reserves Policy was adopted during the year
       we also completed agreements with developers at Waverley,   and General Reserves are monitored against this. The pipeline
       Rotherham and New Lubbesthorpe, Leicester. With a number   of new sites is good and projections show that over the coming
       of partnerships with developers across Great Britain already in   years, the Land Trust will achieve a break-even point in its use of
       the final stages of negotiation, I am confident that the coming   General Reserves, thereby achieving long term sustainability.
       years will see us increase further our management of open space
       around strategic residential developments across the country.   Trustees
       Our role in delivering sustainable green infrastructure, integrating   This year Robert Morley, one of the original Trustees, stepped
       green space into the built environment and helping to secure   down from the Board. Rob had been involved with the Land
       not only more housing but better quality environments and   Trust for over 10 years, initially as part of the joint venture
       better places for people to live, was recognised in the 2017   with Groundwork. His commitment and direction has been
       Property Week RESI Awards when our subsidiary Land Trust   invaluable and I thank him for his guidance and contribution.
       Residential Services Limited won Newcomer of the Year.  Last year the Board recognised the need to broaden its skill set
       This year we further increased our land portfolio by adding   and provide for long term succession. After a very successful
       178 hectares across six sites. This brings our portfolio under   recruitment process, which saw more than 300 people express
       management to over 60 sites and 2,319 hectares (including   an interest in the Land Trust, I am pleased to welcome three
       the 464ha of Newlands, Revive and Restore Programme    new Trustees. With a variety of backgrounds in investment,
       sites that we manage). A number of site acquisitions that we   sustainability and property, Patrick Aylmer; Janet Haddock-Fraser
       had hoped would complete this year have been delayed,   and Anthony Bickmore joined the Board in June 2017. Their
       but in many cases the legal commitments are in place, so   experience and advice will be a valuable contribution to the Board.
       we are confident that they will proceed in due course.   Over the year we have also received invaluable external strategic
       Further details of the achievement of our charitable objectives   advice from our Health Advisory Group, led by Trustee Walter
       are detailed in the Chief Executive’s Report and can be   Menzies. The Health Advisory Group was set up to help us develop
       found on our website          a wider perspective and obtain valuable input into how we might
                                                              best develop our sites to deliver sustainable health benefits for
       Financial Performance                                  communities that live and work around our green spaces.
       Our financial performance in the year exceeded expectations.
       Income has increased year on year, to £15.2 million. Funds   Acknowledgements
       received from acquisitions totalling £7.6 million was more than   Finally, my thanks go to the Members, my fellow Trustees, senior
       double the level of the previous year. Together with other income   officers and staff of the Land Trust for the very real progress we
       of £1.0 million and capital growth of £15.1 million, the value of our   have made this year.
       investment portfolio increased in the year by £20.0 million (including
       new investments). Despite political uncertainty, investment returns

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