Page 27 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2016-17
P. 27

Summary of Income

       and Expenditure


                                                                                          Year ended    Year ended
                                                                                          31/03/2017     31/03/2016
       Income and endowments from:                                                             £000s         £000s
       Donations and legacies                                                                     21             9

       Charitable activities                                                                     819          1,365
       Other trading activities                                                                  382           301
       Site funding                                                                            7,643          3,556
       Investments                                                                             5,335          5,868
       Other income                                                                             1,040            -
       Total income                                                                           15,240        11,099

       Expenditure on:
       Raising funds                                                                             371           372
       Charitable activities                                                                   6,085          5,964
       Total expenditure                                                                       6,456         6,336

       Net gains/(losses) on investments                                                      15,070        (8,159)
       Corporation tax                                                                            (7)          (14)
       Net income/(expenditure)                                                               23,847        (3,410)

       Other recognised gains/(losses)
       Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit pension scheme                                (97)           12

       Net movement in funds                                                                  23,750        (3,398)

       The Funds of the Charity


                                                                                          Year ended    Year ended
                                                                                          31/03/2017     31/03/2016
       The funds of the charity                                                                £000s         £000s
       Endowment Funds                                                                        70,567         60,721
       Restricted Funds                                                                       60,962         13,369
       General Funds                                                                           9,190          8,010
       Pension Reserve                                                                           (79)           42
       Designated Funds                                                                        5,161         39,909

       Total funds                                                                           145,801       122,051
       This information can be seen in full, in the Statutory Accounts, which are available from the Trust’s website.

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