Page 22 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2016-17
P. 22

Placemaking for people and communities

                                            We believe that green spaces        green spaces in our communities is vital,
                                            create great places and add value   but good green infrastructure planning
                                            to communities and nature.          and long term funding needs to be
                                                                                identified at the outset to ensure that the
                                            Placemaking is important and is     benefits of great places can continue to
                                            increasingly being recognised in    be delivered for generations to come.
                                            strategic plans and developments. As a
                                            charity with many years’ experience of   The Land Trust is ideally positioned to
                                            placemaking and managing parks and   work alongside planners and developers
                                            public open space, we know that high   to integrate green spaces and identify
                                            quality, well maintained green space is   sustainable ways for the design and
                                            good for everyone. We recognise that   vision to be realised, maintained and
                                            green spaces integrated into communities   funded. As a charity, we do more than
                                            provide a valuable contribution to   cut the grass; we support community
                                            placemaking, the health of residents   development, from design through to
       We believe that                      and the economy of the area.        management, to ensure that space and
                                                                                placemaking is at the heart of the process.
                                            At the Land Trust, we believe that
       green spaces                         homes should not just be about      This year we have promoted this view
       create great                         bricks and mortar – we should be    into the Government Housing White
                                                                                Paper Consultation and contributed to
                                            creating communities – places that
       places and                           people want to live, work and play.   consultations in both London and Greater
                                                                                Manchester. We have also shared our
                                            By recognising the importance of the green
       add value to                         infrastructure, we can help to create and   views on long term funding solutions to
                                                                                the Communities and Local Government
       communities                          maintain quality public spaces which not   Department’s Select Committee on the
                                            only promote people’s health, happiness
                                                                                Future of Public Parks and were invited
       and nature.                          and wellbeing, but also contribute to   to give oral evidence at the House of
                                            building stronger communities. Creating
                                                                                Commons Select Committee in November.


       RANKED THE 3RD                                                         PROPERTY PRICES

       MOST IMPORTANT                                                AND RENTS RESPOND

       FACTOR FOR                                                                   POSITIVELY TO

       CREATING                                                             FACTORS SUCH AS

       COMMUNITIES                                                 OVERLOOKING A PARK

       REDROW, CREATING BRITAIN’S                                                            TROWERS AND HAMLINS,
       NEW COMMUNITIES 2017                                                  HIGH VALUED HARD TO VALUE REPORT 2016

       22  the Land Trust Annual Review 2016/17
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