Page 38 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2020
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Environment and biodiversity                                                                                              Land Trust Annual Review 2020

                             “Natural England has approved the Land Trust
                          as an ‘appropriate body’ to acquire and manage

                        SANG in perpetuity and this approval isn’t given lightly.”

        The Land Trust and SANG

        A Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) is   Natural England has approved the Land Trust as an
        a recreational site, created to attract residents of new   ‘appropriate body’ to acquire and manage SANG in
        developments, away from designated sites that are    perpetuity and this approval isn’t given lightly. This title
        protected for their valuable ecology and are sensitive to   is granted because our extensive risk management and
        recreational activities such as dog walking.         safeguards give Natural England and local authorities
                                                             the confidence that we are a long-term management
        The protected sites are Special Protection Areas (SPAs)   body that will ensure that each SANG we take on will be
        and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). SPAs are   delivered in perpetuity.
        designated to protect wild birds and their habitats,
        while SACs are designated to protect habitats and non-  The Land Trust offers all services required for SANG
        bird species.                                        from concept and design, management plans, capital
                                                             works and in-perpetuity management and it is an area of
        These sites are designated under the Conservation of   significant potential growth for the Trust.
        Wild Birds and the Conservation of Natural Habitats and
        of Wild Fauna and Flora. SANGs were evolved to protect   We currently manage the largest SANG in the country –
        the Thames-Basin Heaths SPA around 10 years ago      Wellesley Woodlands – and we are delivering significant
        and now the concept is spreading to protect more sites   economic and social value there, while protecting the
        across the country.                                  biodiversity and wildlife that call the Woodlands home.

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