Page 58 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 58

Fundraising                                                                                                                                                                                              Land Trust Annual Review 2019

                                                                                                                                      Our awards

                                                                                                Any charitable
                                                                                                donation, whether
                                                                                                large or small,
                                                                                                makes a huge

           In-kind contributions                                “ ...This income contributes
                                                                  greatly to the delivery of

           Wider fundraising activities are undertaken across     our charitable outcomes,
           our sites, with our managing partners, site users      provides match funding
           and other stakeholders contributing in-kind
           contributions and raising money for Land Trust         for wider projects, and
           sites. While this income is not reflected in the Land   delivers great benefits on
           Trust’s financial accounts, it contributes greatly to
           the delivery of our charitable outcomes, provides      the ground.”
           ‘match funding for wider projects, and delivers
           great benefits on the ground.
            Thanks to all our managing partners, Friends
           groups and visitors for all their hard work in raising
           additional income.

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