Page 56 - The Land Trust Annual Review 2019
P. 56

Fundraising                                                                                                                                                                                              Land Trust Annual Review 2019

           The Land Trust’s fundraising activities          local communities and other stakeholders to
           provide us with an opportunity to deliver        develop diverse projects across the country
           even greater charitable benefits across          that will allow us to deliver increased charitable
           our parks and green spaces and for               outcomes on.
           those communities local to our sites.             A number of projects have been funded and
                                                            delivered throughout the year, while we also work
            This year we have successfully secured          towards fundraising for longer term strategic
           £670k working closely with our managing partners,   developments and activities.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Pleasley Pit has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            been transformed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            into a valuable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            community asset.

                                                                                                Funding from
                                                                                                the Denise Coates
                                                                                                foundation will
                                                                                                Hassall Green.

           Hassall Green                                                                                                              Pleasley Pit

           The Land Trust was delighted to secure initial    The grant will also enable the Land Trust to                             Our site at Pleasley Pit was the recipient of a grant
           funding of £291k from the Denise Coates          expand its successful Green Angels training and                           of £164k from the Rural Development Programme
           Foundation that should ultimately rise to £747k.   education programme which delivers training                             for England (RDPE) through Bolsover North East
           The grant will enable the Land Trust to carry out a   courses on subjects including habitat creation and                   Derbyshire LEADER programme, which will be
           major project at the Trust’s site at Hassall Green, a   management, environmental education and hard                       used to create a new visitor centre and café on site.
           two hectare green space which the Land Trust took   landscaping. The project focuses on encouraging                          Expanding on the popular and well-used cafe
           ownership of in 2014.                            social cohesion and improving the future prospects                        already on site the new facility will bring more
            The planned five year programme will see        of the local community.                                                   people to Pleasley Pit, providing a welcoming
           extensive improvements made to the site with four                                                                          space for the local community, schools and special
           key objectives:                                                                                                            interest groups.

                  Make the site safe for regular use
                  by the general public
                  Restore and improve habitats
                  Increase biodiversity
                  Engage the community

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